Listen and fit

Listen to a term and insert it in the appropriate sentence

Click on a link in the right column to listen to the recording of a term. Drag the item on the right to the appropriate sentence on the left column.
It is necessary to maintain an organizational structure so as to be able to ________ daily tasks in an efficient manner.
Being able to ________ to changing environments and work processes makes you a competitive job applicant.
________ to detail, time management and the ability to delegate are all soft skills that help you stay organized at work.
Soft skills also help you implement your ideas by using motivation to translate ________ sessions into actionable projects.
Successful delegation ensures that we avoid decision fatigue and ________.
Situations, ________ or workplaces can change extremely quickly, and if individuals, and therefore organisations, cannot adapt to changes quickly, they are likely to be left behind.
Great communicators are the ones who bring solutions, drive change, motivate and inspire their ________.
Employers are increasingly looking for candidates with hybrid skills, which are a ________ of ‘soft’ and technical skills.
When you have leadership skills, ________, or good time management skills, you know you will perform well wherever life takes you.
Communication is a ________ component of the agritourism.
How you interact with clients and business partners can influence how people perceive your company, impacting their ________ to work with you.
________ is a valuable leadership skill that can help to move projects along faster and improve efficiency.
Attention to detail, time management and the ability to ________ are all soft skills that help you stay organized at work.
Being a ________ leader means that people can trust and rely on you.
Skills that help promote a good work ________ include conflict management, rapport, empathy, and positive reinforcement.
Successful delegation ensures that we avoid decision ________ and burnout and that we are constantly learning new skills.
As a ________, maintaining regular communication and giving clear and authentic direction gives people guidance, reassurance and fosters a sense of inclusion.
Using soft skills to build your confidence can help you integrate into a new workplace environment and establish yourself as an essential team ________.
Given the need to multi-task and ________ to spur-of -the-moment requests, it is necessary to maintain a good organizational structure.
A great leader will take ________ for the issues presented to them directly as well as every issue their team members encounter.
Effective decisiveness requires research, evaluation, problem-solving and goal-________, often with a quick turnaround.
Problem-solving is the process of understanding a challenge and working toward finding an effective ________ to it.
Problem-solving skills can help leaders make quick decisions, resolve obstacles, and ensure projects are finished according to the desired ________.
Handling ________ in a positive way can help you stay motivated and perform well when going through your schedule.
Creative skills can be effective in helping you think differently about a given ________.
Decisiveness is a ________ leadership skill that can help to move projects along faster and improve efficiency.
Listing soft skills on your resume, demonstrating them in an interview and developing them in the ________ can help you find new opportunities and advance your career.
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