Click on a number in the grid to see the clue(s) for that number and enter your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. If an entry is composed of two words, skip spaces, hyphens, etc. between words. Afrer you complete the crossword, click on "Check" to check your answer.
To affect or change how someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks.
The way in which a business, government, or other organization carefully plans its actions over a period of time to improve its position and achieve what it wants.
A set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject, published by a single person or organization.
Something that is made to be sold, usually something that is produced by an industrial process or, less commonly, something that is grown or obtained through farming.
To provide or supply something.
Someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect.
To help someone emotionally or in a practical way // Emotional or practical help.
Costing nothing, or not needing to be paid for.
A marriage ceremony and any celebrations such as a meal or a party that follow it.
A visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the place or area and learn about it.