Listen and fit

Listen to a term and insert it in the appropriate sentence

Click on a link in the right column to listen to the recording of a term. Drag the item on the right to the appropriate sentence on the left column.
English is spoken in different parts of the world and each of them with different ______ and pronunciation.
Motivating an ______ non-native English speaker, such as a prospective agritourism entrepreneur, to learn English can be a challenge.
They can also use English language learning ______ and tools to practice grammar, vocabulary, and listening and speaking skills.
Native language ______ is the situation where people forget their native language after not speaking it for a long time.
Being able to recognize English accents will give agritourism entrepreneurs some hints about their visitors’ cultural ______.
The courses included several cultural exchange ______ trips, with learners going out to socialize with the native speakers.
For practicing their vocabulary skills, learners make their own ______ and add material to help them memorize the terminology.
Educational games can be customized to allow learners to ______ on specific vocabulary lists or themes.
In the TreasureHunt project, learners will not be concerned with English ______, as it is assumed that they have sufficient knowledge of it.
______ (2 words) are intensive courses with a minimum of 8 hours per day in class for one or more months.
Motivation is the ______ (2 words) behind all human actions and describes why a person does something.
Non-native English speaking agritourism entrepreneurs can participate in language ______ programs.
______ (2 words) is the urge arising from external factors, such as getting rewards, respect, money or social recognition.
Love your mistakes and learn from them. Don’t hesitate to ______ (5 words).
it is possible that others will fail to see the value of what the motivated ______ has accomplished.
______ (2 words) is the drive to do something just for the fun of it.
Course intensity and extend will be determined after an initial assessment of ______ knowledge of English.
______ is what pushes people to lose weight, or get a good grade on the exam, or to learn to play a musical instrument.
English learners will know they are bilingual when they reach a stage where they do not translate into their ______ language and they are actually thinking in English.
Language learning software ______ interactive ways of learning new words and phrases.
Learning English is 99% ______ and 1% inspiration.
Make a study ______ and stick to it.
Non-native English speaking agritourism entrepreneurs can participate in language exchange programs, where they can ______ speaking English with native speakers and receive feedback on their language skills.
There are many types of English in the world, and each one of them has different accent and ______.
Motivating an adult non-native English speaker, such as a ______ ______ ______ (3 words), to learn English can be a challenge.
Extrinsic motivation is the urge arising from external factors, such as getting ______ (pl.), respect, money or social recognition.
Metacognitive skills will help learners think and improve their own learning process and eventually become ______.
______ ______ (2 words) flashcard apps allow users to create their own flashcards with vocabulary words and phrases, and then test themselves on those words through interactive quizzes.
Babies have no knowledge of the alphabet, grammar, ______, etc.
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