Listen and fit

Listen to a term and insert it in the appropriate sentence

Click on a link in the right column to listen to the recording of a term. Drag the item on the right to the appropriate sentence in the left column.
In the hospitality sector, there are certain aspects of time management to take into ________, such as seasonality, which may affect your customers’ flow.
As the manager, you need to have an overview of both the customers ________ in a calendar, and of your employees’ shifts.
A great way to help with time management is the use of schedule and ________ software or apps.
One way to make sure your present and future customers have a good experience is to collect their ________.
Communication within your business is the key to ensure that everyone has the proper ________ and tools to work towards a common goal.
A manager needs to be able to plan efficiently in order to prioritise tasks, ________ and developing systems to achieve goals.
Listening to your customer and giving them a space where they are able to give feedback is a great way to gain insight on what they liked about your business and its ________.
A good understanding of the digital tools can help but does not ________ organisational skills.
Along with the many formal and non-formal training about managerial skills that can be found, management tools have been developed.
Time management is the ability to use your time and the one of your employees efficiently and productively.
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