Listen to a term and insert it in the appropriate sentence
Click on a link in the right column to listen to the recording of a term. Drag the item on the right to the appropriate sentence on the left column.
The connection to _________ is strong since the agricultural lifestyle has shaped most urban areas for a very long time.
There does not exist a unified ________ approach on how to define and measure agritourism.
A densely populated ________ may have 10,000 inhabitants or more, but this number can vary.
The red hotel building was completed and included water-inspired rooms and a ________ suite.
There is no ________ in defining 'rural tourism', 'rural life' and 'agritourism'.
Per Ekwall and his wife Maja bought the Tiraholm Farm in 1928. The ________ had four children and numerous grandchildren.
People sharing the same grandparents are ________.
Good ________ [two words connected by hyphen] in choosing an appropriate rural definition requires an understanding of what urban is and how urban in turn determines what rural is.
A ________ [two words] area may have 10,000 inhabitants or more. In Sweden, this number is set at 3,000 inhabitants.
In most parts of the world, tap water is ________.
Bolmen lake in Sweden is famous for its ________, a slippery and slender, snake-like fish.
Agritourism is a specific type of rural tourism in which the hosting house must be integrated into an agricultural ________, inhabited by the owner, allowing visitors to take part in agricultural or complementary activities on the property.
In some agritourism businesses, the ________ is caught, processed, sold and served locally.
An agritourism business catching, processing and selling fish locally can be transformed into a ________ [two words], like Tiraholm in Sweden.
Trap nets are a sustainable ________ method whereby the trap can be left in the water for the whole season.
With skillful chefs and a lot of creative ________, some agritourism restaurants can now offer as many as 40 dishes.
Rural ________ live in the countryside and have a reputation of being self-reliant and independent.
A ________ is a body of water surrounded by land.
________ or dumping trash to the environment is a legal offence in many places in the world.
Ski tourism, ________ [two words], sports toursm and rural tourism are all forms of alternative tourism.
The ________ language of Sweden is Swedish, although the country has many minority languages.
The seaside restaurant became ________ for its smoked, pickled, filleted and fresh fish.
The ________ of a city is the number of people living within its limits.
________ [two words] or undersize fish are returned to the waters unharmed.
The fish restaurant developed a good ________ and started experimenting with pies and burgers to broaden the range of offered products.
The next step of starting a small ________ was visible on the horizon.
Agritourism belongs to the category whose main motive is the encounter with nature and ________ life and includes activities like travelling, observing, exercising, etc.
Rural residents are often portrayed as ________ [two words] and independent.
After ________ Gudrun had devastated large parts of Swedish forest, the felled timber was cleared and milled.
A ________ is a neighbourhood just outside the city limits.
During that winter a pub and ice cream cafe was built using ________ from the surrounding forest.