Solve the crossword
Click on a number in the grid to see the clue(s) for that number and enter your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. If an entry is composed of two words, skip spaces, hyphens, etc. between words. Afrer you complete the crossword, click on "Check" to check your answer.
1. The beliefs or opinions generally held by the public about someone or something. 3. Two people who are married or otherwise closely associated romantically or sexually. 4. Persons or animals that live in or occupy a place. 5. The sport or business of catching fish. 6. All the inhabitants of a particular place at a particular time. 7. Wild mammals or birds hunted for sport or food. 10. Trash, wastepaper or garbage lying scattered around. 11. In, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city. 12. A district at the outskirts of a city, especially a residential one. 13. A level, rate, or amount at which something comes into effect.
1. A place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises. 2. Relating to an authority or public body and its activities and responsibilities. 3. A general agreement. 8. (of a liquid) Fit to drink. 9. Wood suitable for building or for carpentry. 13. A container or device used to collect something, or a place where something collects.